Friday, June 15, 2012

A beautiful white cottage by the sea

A beautiful white cottage by the sea - the house is a building that has a function as a residence and a family gathering. home is where the whole family dwelling and conducting activities into daily routines. The house could be a source of peace, inspiration and energy for its owner. blog Home Design Outlet Center will present a lot of the design of the first house the latest Samai which certainly intersting and convenient for tempai, well we'll talk about A beautiful white cottage by the sea happy reading...

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A beautiful white cottage by the sea

I hope you've enjoyed my Asian inspired week, I would've loved to have done so much more, there's only one thing for it, I NEED to go back on a personal visit rather than a business trip and take my own images!! Watch this space!! And now it's time for the weekend and here in Sweden everyone's gearing up for the annual trip to either their own or a friend/family's summer cottage. So here's a little inspiration - a beautiful 18th century summer cottage by the sea in Cornwall, England. It had me at the all white....!

Photography: Paul Massey via Dust Jacket Attic
According to Dust Jacket Attic the floorboards are made of reclaimed scaffolding wood which has been white washed and waxed. Beautiful?!

Tonight it's England vs Sweden in Euro 2012. Always tense in our household and I'm actually starting to get very nervous  (I'm english and my man's swedish!). So I'd like to end by saying good luck Sweden, and COME ON England!!!!! May the best men win!

PS If you haven't already - don'¨t forget to enter my blog give-away for your chance to win some genuine Japanese Washi Tape I picked up in Tokyo!

Have a lovely weekend! x

enough so first information about A beautiful white cottage by the sea hopefully can give insfirasi to you in determining the ideal home with the family, you can bookmark the link to make it easier to find us, please read another page to get more information. thank you

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